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Semiotician and Knowledge Transfer Consultancy

Okay, you have launched your strategy, so far so good.
But some of your key stakeholders in strategy are individually having an internal conversation with themselves regarding this new strategy as new codes are being formed.  These new codes are not what you want to hear and may be having an impact collectively on the direction and future well-being of your strategy. 

However, you decide to pursue the objectives in the strategy but the codes in the conversation are beginning to gain traction in the stakeholder group; your strategy is beginning to suffer from entropy; and the order you see in your strategy is beginning to fragment and confidence is weakening.

Now you are lying awake at night wondering why they do not see the strategy as you do.

Well, we are here to help lift the fog from your strategy and clarify for you the way your strategy is being interpreted and provide possible solutions to your strategy problems.
Join us today.


  • Is your strategy on the right course, how is it being interpreted?

    £150 per hour
  • Is your strategy on track and how do you know what good looks like?

    150 British pounds
  • What's on your mind, are you struggling with strategy developement?

    79 British pounds
  • Where is your strategy now, and where do you want it to be?

    150 British pounds


Storytelling and narrative carry ideas of meaning fundamental to human communication. That that we seek to communicate is framed as sight, sound, smell, touch and taste in such a way as we may interpret the meaning intended. This is the process of semiotics. Storytelling and narrative can change our world view as we strive to make sense of a new reality; and shapes our view of the world, changing what we think, what we feel, and what we do.

Just as positive stories can drive meaningful narratives they can also remove our sense of hope; ability to control our own destiny; and lead to apathy and inertia. We use storytelling in all our interactions with other interlocutors as our world views overlap in much of our discourse and narrative, but this can also create unseen gaps that may result in the unknown or the unspeakable and lead to tension within the strategy discourse.

Without a counter narrative an undesired destination point is given the power, through the process of habituation, to become a reality. Diagnosing the interpretation of this internal conversation and the positions of those taken by other interlocutors engaged in the story may construct many possible futures.

Stories can change the world. Perhaps they can save it too.

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